Campaign Staffers Feel the Bern

Senator of Vermont Bernie Sanders at Derry Town Hall photo
Photo by Michael Vadon

MASON CITY, IOWA—As the campaign grinds into the Iowa primaries, there are some signs of fatigue within the ranks of volunteers of the Bernie Sanders campaign. A number of disgruntled staffers have complained about the Senator’s eating habits.

An 18-year-old volunteer, speaking on condition of anonymity, spoke about Sanders’ behavior. “I fully support what Bernie is trying to do”, he said. “It’s just that we’re on the road constantly and he never seems to have any money when we stop to eat. I’ve paid for his lunch three times already this week. Don’t get me wrong – I would do anything to help out, but I’m not earning a living wage currently. I also owe about $50,000 in student loans for my communications degree, so money is a little tight right now. I guess if I can do my part to help him win I’ll come out ahead in the end, right?”

Another wearied staffer shared her similar grievances. “He seems to eat a lot of food for an elderly gentleman. I mean, I picked up his tab for breakfast this morning and it cost me almost $9.00, and then he asked if I would get him coffee to go. I’m nearly tapped out. I’m in it for the long haul though. These little things are unimportant compared to equal pay for equal work, minimum wage increases, and making the rich pay their fair share. I’ll just stick with it. It just gets annoying sometimes when he assumes someone else should just pay for his meals. I bust my butt all day canvassing neighborhoods and handing out flyers. I barely have enough to buy my own lunch and then I have to buy his too? Like I said though, it will all be worth it if we win and get free universal health care and free tuition.”