Bernie Sanders Heckled

PHOENIX—The mood became somewhat sour this weekend when Democratic candidates Martin O’Malley and Bernie Sanders were heckled by “Black Lives Matter” protesters at the Netroots Nation forum. Despite his liberal progressive record on civil rights, Sanders was shouted down while trying to speak, causing him to become visibly frazzled. Supporters say the last time they witnessed the Senator from Vermont appear that agitated was when he yelled “You kids get off my lawn!” during an incident in which some youth, which Sanders described as “rapscallions”, entered his property.

The event sparked controversy on Twitter, where dissent against Senator Sanders was expressed even by African American progressives. We approached William Brown, a Vermont resident and African American. “I think he’s been a pretty good Senator,” Brown said. “I mean, at least he’s not a Republican.”

The other three African Americans who live in Vermont were not available for comment.