Facebook Embattled by Charges of Color Discrimination


Lovers of the often underrepresented color, indigo, are in an uproar over facebook’s decision to exclude the color from their pride celebration profile picture overlays.

A quick examination of the rainbow overlay reveals that full representation of the spectrum is missing. From top to bottom, the overlay follows the expected R.O.Y. G. B.I.V. pattern, that is, until your eyes reach the notorious B.I.V. There is an obvious omission (or oppression?) of the color indigo.

We approached average citizens to get their thoughts on the situation. Bill Bland wasn’t convinced the color was left out due to bigotry. “I know it does happen, but it could have been an innocent mistake. I’m not sure we can even say for sure that indigo is the missing color. After all, they all look the same to me anyway.”

Nancy W. Hinesalot is extremely frustrated by the controversy. “They have essentially ruined what was supposed to be a joyous occasion in my life. The mental anguish I’ve experienced over this blatant discrimination is almost too much to bear. And then you have people like this gentleman who say things like ‘they all look the same’! These are the kinds of microaggressions we in the indigo community have been suffering for years at the hands of the purple privileged and various hate groups.”

It seems unlikely that indigo was left out unintentionally by an organization as savvy as Facebook. What is not clear is whether the decision was based in hate or could have possibly been performed for some other reason, such as bucking traditional color values. Mark Zuckerberg was unavailable for comment.